Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I recently decided to postpone going back for a master's degree, until I can shore up my finances a bit more, and until I've finished the 10,000 pages or so I'm doing in research for some writing projects.  Its only about 20-30 books, so I figure a book every week to week and a half and I should have them all finished by the end of the year.  And I'm hoping to have the rough drafts on a couple of projects done as well.  I think this going to be great opportunity to focus on one goal instead of two or three, and let me put my sole attention on writing.  O.k. thats it I'm done talking now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I think I may have come up with the centerpiece to my book revision.  It's a new story, with some cool plot ideas I've been toying with for a while.  I get very antsy with stuff so I want to make sure it all comes together the right, but it could be the one story I've been looking to tell for quite a while now.  Its funny, because I think the story itself sort of reflects a lot of things I've sort of had rattling around in the head for a while.  And I think its stuff I care about.  So its good motivation to make sure its written right, and leave everything on the table if that makes sense. 

New and Improved Preface

A while ago I put the preface to my book revision on here, but I think I like this one better.

In 2009, I went through a divorce. Yes I know not very uplifting. It was a very confusing time,
as many who’ve been divorced might tell you. Your brain kind of shuts down with something like that.  Somewhere along the way, I figured I needed to move on with my life, and tried my hand at writing. In 2011, I ended self-publishing a book of short stories, and poetry, and a letter to my daughter who is as of right now, will soon be four years old. The whole idea was really for me to try and mix my love of spy stories, and throw in some real world experience of what I’d been dealing with, in regards to divorce and things like that. So…the stories were kind of horrible, but at the end of it I was able to say that I’d written a book. This time however I added some stuff, and included those not so fantastical stories for you. And then at the end I put a new story, and the letter to my daughter, and a letter to someone else, you’re going to have to read it if you want to know who…see what I did there?
   Even though life is a complete train wreck, I’m still trying to strive for something. Not sure what
really, or why, but I’m just trying to do what I can. This is the book I should’ve done, and really have
wanted to do my whole life. I’m sure its got flaws, and is filled with lot of stupid, whiny feelings or
whatever. But that’s the way it goes sometimes. Thanks for making it this far into a preface, I usually
don’t read these myself, but if you made it this far, maybe you actually bought the book, and that’s good for my royalty check.

-Steven Dumas