Sunday, April 22, 2012

Questions and Answers About Guys

As a sort of joke, I post a tweet on Twitter about teaching a class on how women can avoid jerks, although the word I used was a little less dignified than "jerks."  So, since a class is mostly impractical, I've decided to write sort of an essay in my book, about what guys are thinking.  If this comes off as sort betraying the male gender I'm ok with that, its not like I care anyway.  Suffice to say, I'm interested in what women think about men, the lines they hear, and what they think they know about men.  So, laides if you're interested, you can either e-mail me at or tweet me at @stevendumas on Twitter.  I'm ok if you just want to tweet me, you might not want some stranger having your e-mail. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how what you think is different from what I think.
