Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Love Letter I guess

This is an early draft of a letter I wrote for probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my entire life.  I'm kind of a big romantic putz, so its going to my little poetry section of my anthology coming later.  Is it wierd blogging a love letter?  Is it wierd I'm nervous about her seeing it?  Anyhoo, here goes. 

I'm not sure if this is a love letter or a poem.  I don't know much about her.  I see her everyday, and everytime I do, I'm completly unstable.  Her eyes have to be the most disarming thing a man can see in his lifetime.  I could stare at them and almost forget everything around me. 

I'm sure that this could be a cliche, but there is little doubt that she is the most stunning girl I've ever seen in my life.  I don't know what she believe's in, or what your favorite song, or movie is, or what you like to do for fun.  But you have to see that smile of hers, that gorgeous face, and the long and lovely hair that is perfect on her, and you'd see what I see, someone who's likely the best candidate for a love at first sight if I ever saw one.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'm having a hard time getting things done this week, but I was encouraged too.  I've been trying to piece some things together for a mystery story.  I think its sort of a wierd experience writing a mystery, because you know the solution to the puzzle, but you're trying to figure what clues to leave.  Its sort solving a mystery in reverse.  You have to start with the premise, and work backwards, and sprinkle clues in certain places, when in reality crooks are doing their best to hide any clues about who they are.  The problem I'm having at this point is giving intricate clues for one mystery I'm writing.  The other one is a World War II story, and I'm not sure what foundation to build with this one yet.  I might be ok with this though, since its better than having nothing to write about. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  I have no idea what this day is for apart from people having an accuse to get drunk and bring up the same old Irish stereotypes?  And when are they going to update the word "stereotype"?  Isn't it time we call it mp3playertype?  Or ipodtype?  Or here's a good one how about surroundsoundtype?  Is any of this making sense?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st

I made some more progress today, as I was busy coming up with some more ideas for my next story.  This project is funny, because I have no idea what I want to do with it fully.  Right now I've been leaning towards a sci-fi bent, but I'm still not sure yet. I've been researching like crazy the last several months, hoping to get an idea on where to take the story.  I've been reading a some history, and some old Army manuals, and books on real life espionage so I have a little idea what I'm talking about.  I want to tell the best spy story/mystery that I can think of, and really that anybody's heard of.  I'm sure I've mentioned this once or twice, but that's really the standard for this story.  I can't say that enough I think.  I really think I' need to hammer this point home for myself, if I can't write something good, why write at all.