Sunday, May 13, 2012

Useless Books

Can't really give away too much away of the plot, but let's just say I was hoping to read something that might give some understanding into psychology or something.  I'm not really a fan of psychology, but I wanted to get some insight so I gave it a shot.  I picked this book on fanaticism.  What a yawn.  The author kept talking about Freud half the time, misquoted various doctrines of multiple religions, and pieces of history that just didn't really help me out at all.  Its been another in a long list of books I didn't feel like finishing.  This whole research thing has been an interesting experience, because now I have a better gauge on what I need to look at, and what I need to skip for projects. 

Now for something a little more uplifting.  I'm closer to finishing most of the plotting and story development for the longer of my new stories.  And in the last ten minutes I may have come up with either one more story idea, a way to integrate a plot device for a story I already have going.  And that's about it, other than waiting for The Dark Knight Rises to come out, my life is about as eventful as watching grass grow.  (Insert cheesy farewell line here)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh nothing like research books that are poorly researched themselves. If you can understand the language Wikipedia probably is your best shot. Good job on being able to come up with more plot devices and story though. I just have some major things and then small things interspersed come to me.
