Friday, May 18, 2012

Book Title, Story, and Whatever

I think I've got a book title now.  And I also think I've got some direction for a story I ended up having to gut the last couple of days.  Stuff is so tricky for me, because I want it to be perfect, and I try my best to tweak a story to where I like it.  It some ways its a story that been years in the making, because I've been finding I'm inserting things that remind of stuff that happened to me, or reminds me of something else I've seen in my life.  And I'm starting on that story pretty much right this second.  I'm about three sentences in, so far.  Well four now, since I just added one.  I'm still of the mindset that writing has to have some personal aspect to it, some investment of yourself in it.  And now I'm being distracted between starting the second paragraph, and twitter.  Sounds like another Friday to me.  I better get back to this story, I don't get a lot of things that flow this easy this early on.  See you in the funny papers. 

1 comment:

  1. I have trouble stopping myself writing sometimes when I start, and I don't let things distract me.
