Friday, January 4, 2013

A Word If I May

In light of the election that's now two months past, I was thinking of a few things.  Many are claiming they don't want to be involved in politics anymore, after the result of Obama's supposed "reelection."  I pretty scoff at this, because frankly, he's no business being in office, yes its obvious he's not a natural born citizen, its very obvious, nor has he any concept of whats constitutional.  This I think is what drives people to be discouraged.  That despite their efforts, this man was reelected. That's a fair emotion to have.  People put up a good fight or whatever, and now they feel disheartened, discouraged, beaten...  What I would suggest to you people who call yourselves conservatives, or Republicans is this...  Don't give up.  Its really very simple.  You see, its conservative ideas that are based in morality, and God, and freedom, why are you suddenly going to give up on them because we lost an election?  Granted, this election was most likely "won" by heavy voter fraud, and deception, but so what?  If you think its bad now, consider the Germans, who tried to fight the Nazis from within during World War 2.  Consider the Founders, and the those who died during the Revolution, so they and their progeny could live in freedom, unshackled by government.  Certainly these people, who we claim to admire, are examples to us of what we should be.  These people died, put themselves, their families, and their personal property in danger for the hope of being free, and we get into a tizzy because an election didn't go our way.  The Revolution lasted 8 years.  We seem to start squirming after a few months it seems.

We've grown weak and spineless.  But I want you to consider something else.  Something perhaps you didn't realize, or haven't really thought of much at all.  Obama lost voters.  There were less people this time around who voted for him, so somewhere in there some folks changed their minds.  Somewhere in the last 4 years you may have talked to someone about politics who "converted" and voted for freedom like the rest of us conservatives did in November.  And basically you're message to these folks who are taking responsibility for themselves for the first time, who finally realize what freedom really to go hide in a corner for the rest of their lives when we lose.  Or if you prefer to think closer to home, is that the message you want you're kids to pick up?  People like you, went out to strangers, showed them, helped them to awaken to the ideas of individual responsibility, individual freedom and self-government, and you want to walk out.  I have to ask you why you're walking out when you have no choice to stay.  Its obvious we have the moral, political, and logical highground, yet we're the ones who are supposed to disappear like shadows, or dust being swept away.  Its a silly idea.  There's a reason all of the great presidents and leaders we've had have been conservatives.  Its freedom.  We lost a fixed election, and clearly we've the better ideas, sure we're a little emotional.  I am too.  But I'm not giving into these people.  I've a little girl, I want to leave an example for.  While we are seeing all this foolishness happen politically because of Democrat policies, we're just the first generation to start to feel the destruction, how are our kids supposed to fight liberalism and tyranny, if they've no examples of how to do that? 

We were called racist, even though we had a black man in our presidential primary, and have minorities in our party serving all throughout various levels in government, we were called anti-women when we didn't want to finance abortions, and anti-whatever you can think of.  These Democrats are anti-freedom.  Let them answer that.  You want to be emotional about politics?  Then use your own emotions as fuel for logical debate, and clear thinking.  This party has no problem trying to classify people by race, or people group, when we're all supposed to be equal, not one group over another, or one group looking for some kind of special treatment.  You want to freak these people out?  Give them irrefutable answers to the arguments where you don't engage in a shouting match or name calling, like they do.  You want to get emotional?  Ask why you were fighting for your rights, and for limited government in the first place.  You have the keys to freedom in your hands.  Do what your many of your fathers, and grandfathers, and great-grandfathers did.  Help to unlock someone from the chains of oppression, either by fighting with your hands, or fighting with your heart.

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