Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Have No Idea What Day It Is Again.

Is today Tuesday?  I'm going to act like it is.  I just found I passed 1,000 views on this goofy little blog.  That's right somebody out there likes me.  Hopefully it's mostly women, because lets be honest, I like girls.  Moving on...I started writing one the last stories for the book today at lunch.  This is the World War II story, I've had in the back of my mind since the mid-90s or so.  Its tough to find the balance of plausibility and adventure, I'm not the best at military fiction, and I worry about doing a disservice either to the military or to the very serious and on the other hand, its a great setting for a fun story.   I probably brought that up before too, but too bad, I already typed it, and I don't feel like going back and erasing it.  And so another day or writing is in the record books.  Alright, I'm off to do something else now.  Have fun boys and girls.

1 comment:

  1. Well it was quite possibly Tuesday when you wrote this but it's now Wednesday. If you're worried about doing some kind of disservice or anything you can always do a bit of studying.
