Monday, June 25, 2012

Second Book! I'm looking at doing two books.  I'm still working on the original revision I was doing, but instead of adding one of the stories I had intended to include with the revision, I've decided to expand the story into a whole other book.  I was hoping to have all my research done for the revision, but with a second book, I'm probably looking at another 3 or 4 thousand pages of research reading I'd have to do.  I guess that's not a big deal, I was just hoping to be done with all of my reading soon.  Oh well carpe diem or something.  Anyhoo, that's the new plan.  Unless I change it again.  I was thinking the overall intergrity of this new story might be diminished if I don't give it its own forum.  And on the plus side, I can tell women I wrote two books...


  1. OK then, a book. Let's flesh out the thing a bit, shall we? You: a war story. Me: which war? what theater? strictly combat (attracts dudes, but you'd better get the hardware correct!) or attitudinal (a chick magnet, if you've got the setting, say, Civil War plantation in the path of one of Sherman's regiments...wait, that's been done already!). Or a future war, all sci-fi like Haldeman's Forever War? (Now that was a war -combat-attitudinal novel with no equal!)

    Let's see what's up with it!

  2. When you're writing two books, one tends to take a seat on the back burner. I worked out a sequel or two as well. I have a lot of books to work on.
