So. I'm still plugging away, and have in the last couple of weeks have been hit with a couple of good ideas to work into some stories. And I'm trying to maybe include one more story. The size of the book itself probably wouldn't change much. Instead of maybe 6 or 7 stories, and a few side pieces of writing, it would go up to something like 8 stories, and probably be another 20 or 25 pages extra. I'm really adamant about making this book sort of my mark on the world, and I want to leave as much of myself on these pages as I can. I've said that before, but I'm really trying to beat this into my head, that its my chance to voice myself to the world.
Crap, there I go getting all touchy/feely on things. Alright so the Kings won the title tonight. That's the LA Kings not the Sacramento Kings. I used to be somewhat into hockey, but I'm just a bandwagon fan since they made it this far. I haven't been watching sports really too much anymore. Sad times. I guess I've been consumed with work, and life in general, it just seems like time is going by faster and faster now.
I'm looking for a new job, maybe even move if I have to. Just not sure what to do or anything yet. I've been looking somewhat, probably not enough I know, but I guess I've made a little effort. Wait, why am I telling you all this?
Anyhoo, I'm still here and writing, and not going away anytime soon.
Well good luck finding a job. You can just release more books. Lots more books.
ReplyDeleteI hope so. I think I've got a real good shot to do that.