Sunday, September 30, 2012

Its the Only September 30 of 2012 Enjoy It While it Lasts

Yes indeed boys and girls, its almost October, and that means...its almost November, which means its almost election time, and almost my birthday, and almost Christmas, which means I get to buy myself presents.   Now following my stupid attempts at humor/logic I'm hoping to get the ball rolling hopefully at the end of the year on this book stuff.  I am self-publishing again, and that means investing in this little project so that it hopefully takes off and does well, and maybe gives me a little boost into my next project.  I'm still debating about whether or not to do a full history of the United States or just the American Revolution.  I feel like I could do a better job with just that the time period, since I could devote more time to a single period.  I'll know more as I get closer to starting it I suppose, but thats my next to gift to myself.  Yes I'm a very thoughtful giver.  I also need to start thinking about what to get my daughter.  I have no idea what to get a 4 1/2 year old...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hopefully I Got It Right This Time

I'm hoping this is the last time I work on a preface for this book revision.  Here goes...




I’ll just jump right into it, I guess. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was a kid, I think. I just wanted to do something that would be significant to somebody somewhere. Not sure if this going to do that or not, but this is me making an attempt at it. I got a daughter, and a handful of people that I could probably count on my hand that I love and care about, so hopefully this will mean something to them, and to you folks. I’ve been finding out that as far as leaving something of myself on the world, it really goes beyond one book.

I guess I don’t want to be cliché filled, or have some cheesy line here, but I guess in the process of this, I wrote things to those I love, and wrote a few silly stories about things that I think about, or have an interest in. This book will lead to others. I can tell already. I’m already planning future projects and ideas, and things to do. I think this is significant because I get to show people who I am, and what I am. I get to voice my love of some things, on my mind, and my heart, and somebody else will see it for a change. That’s what important to me. At least this time around.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another One Done

I got another story done tonight.  That's two in the last week I think, and I'm close to wrapping up at least, the final plot points on the others, even if I'm not close to finishing writing them out altogether.  I'm getting some nice ideas to finish this all off, and then I'm going to start introductory work for my Revolutionary War history book.  That's gonna take me longer to complete, but I'm optimistic about it.  You have to cover more than just the war typically with that time period so you know why the war happened and things like that, so I need to find out what I should cover and things like that.  See?  I'm actually writing, not just calling myself that to pick up on women...  Although I really should be trying to pick up on women more...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Genius At Work

I think I have the setup for the last 5 or 6 projects for the book revision.  It sort of struck me, while I was driving around for work today, that I needed to fix a few things, but that they didn't need complete facelifts, just minor ones.  Its also gonna be less confusing for me, since instead of trying to fit things together, I'm gonna be able to have some breathing room a bit.  I'm sure this sounds all vague and stuff, but too bad.  I can't really give out details yet, but this isn't going to take as long as I thought it might now.  Yes, my lack of organizational skills, and stubborn desire not to plot things out ahead of time is finally paying off.  In other news, I've had this thing in my back that's been popping in and out for a few months, and it finally stiffened on me in a pretty significant way.  I'm having a little trouble breathing, and its pressing against my spine, shoulder blade, and a lung a little too.  I can tell its not a popped rib, its something in the muscle.  I'm not a chiropractor of course, its just I get this kind of thing happening to me enough, I can tell what's going on.  Anyhoo boys and girls, I'm going to go back to work to my soon-to-be bestseller, and figure out how to get myself into more trouble.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Couple of Revisions Later...

Yes its Monday, which means there's only 4 days left in the work week.  Huzzah!  Tonight I should be done with a second revision of my World War 2 story, and yet another revision of my preface.  So far I'm actually getting something done this week.  I should have a couple of smaller items done this week or and next, but I'll still have some things that'll take a while to get finished, plus a couple of books in waiting that I'll have to start at some point too.  I'm letting the fact I'm behind, and that I've got some personal things going on, kind of muck things up a bit.  Que sera sera or some nonsense like that.  Ok kids back to the perpetual grindstone, enjoy the last Sept 24 of the year.

Sadly Thats the Way The Cookie Crumbles

As the year starts to roll closer to October, I'm realizing more and more that I'll probably be closer to finishing everything around...the beginning of 2013.  I've been hoping all year to be done by now, but sadly that's not the case.  Anyhoo, that's my news for 12:38 in the morning.  Back to your sleeping, or eating, or whatever it is you nite owls do.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yes. Today is Monday. But Now Monday Is Coming To A Close So Now Its Only A Four Day Work Week

Its Monday night, and I should be writing or something.  I'm really not motivated but I'm going to try anyway.  In addition I'm always providing a lovely distraction for those for you stressed out by politics, work, or life in general.  Yes I'm here to provide a public service...or something.  Anyhoo, I'm really here because 12 of you figured out this says "Who Reads Anymore", and not "WhoreAdsAnymore" on the web address.  Heh.  I'm really just trying to give you fine folks a play by play of my daily adventures as writer extraordinaire and mystery man.  I'm inching closer I guess, I just hate the process.  Its tiresome, soul wrenching, and slow.  Ok, I'm done complaining now.  You can return to regularly scheduled Monday night now.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I'm completely convinced that guys are more drama than women.  Just an observation.  Actually this might fit well into my little side project...better not give anything away right now, but its funny, in a non-humorous sort of way.  And I just made a little run down to the garage to look at how many books I have I was going to read.  I thought it was around 30 or 40...its about 60, and I haven't come anywhere close to actually getting the necessary materials.  I'm thinking this could go as high 150 now.  I seem to have a rather nice collection of opinion books, not too much actual history.  Its not so much that I want to read all that, its just I want to be thorough.  Its been a while since I've done research for anything, and I'd forgotten how much is involved.  I'm still trying to find some material thats concise, but still accurate.  And I have to try and figure out how to get more writing done on Sunday.  Originally I was supposed to go downtown somewhere, but I won't be venturing down that way till Wednesday, which means I can rest a bit.  Which is nice.  I'm going to try and maybe get in a good 9 or 10 hours of writing in if I can help it....ok kids thats it.  Tune in next time.  Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel...or something.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Thursday

I'm not really motivated today.  I'm getting a little writing done, but its not exactly moving.  I might've gotten more done tonight, but I spent some time starting to organize some of my books.  This history book is probably going to take some time to write, and I think I'm up to about 30 or 40 books as far as research reading goes.  And that's mostly books that focus on the American Revolution.  I still have to mind material that covers more than 200 years of the rest of America.  I'm thinking it'll be something comparable to a doctoral thesis, though longer obviously.  I'd like to try and keep it to about 400 or 450 pages or so.  Granted that might not sound like much, but I've seen history books that had very little to them, and I think if I can small font, I can get more information in those 450 pages. 

And in other news, I'm making some slight progress tonight on my other projects too, its just I'm having a hard time getting anything done for whatever reason.  But I am trying to fit some in tonight.  I'm trying to fit in certain things into the stories, and even into the actual formation of the story.  Not so much what I'm saying, but how I'm saying that.  I'll try and explain this better down the road I hope.  Alright enjoy the rest of your night.  Its the last September 13 of the year.

This Isn't Going to End Well

Today, I got off work early, made it home and in the front door, somewhere right before 2 in the afternoon.  And then the call came in.  Had to turn around and go right back out for some kind of crisis at work.  Then I get home sometime around 8 or 8:30.  I was hoping to get in a good a few good hours of writing, and maybe a Dirty Harry movie.  Sadly, I didn't quite reach that goal today.  What I did do however, was start to plan out how I going to work on that American history thingy I've been kicking around a bit.  I'm into the first paragraph now, and it actually doesn't sound half bad.  Taking a quick peek, I see that there's eight different writing projects open right now.  This being the newest.  I'm trying to be chipper or something tonight, because I'm somewhat certain, I'll have to drive close to 700 miles tomorrow in a rental truck I don't want to drive.  I guess I can enjoy the scenery...and the sitting or something...  Most of the time is driving, dropping off this, picking up that sort of thing.  No me gusta.  Anyhoo, I'm trying to be patient with stuff, because its not worth bursting a blood vessel, or gettig gray hair over.  At this point, I guess I need the money or something, and it'll give me plenty of time to work on my Nat King Cole voice... I may have just given out too much information here...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some Important Stuff, and Some Not Important Stuff

Today is September 11, 2012.  Eleven years ago today, the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists, who killed thousands of my fellow Americans.  Today as has been the custom every year since then, people across the country reflect on those who died, and those who fight these terrorists.  Its amazing to me how much a country can change, and what can change in the lives of people, apart from a tragedy like that one.  The world is completely different for me and really for everyone else too I would think, I've been married, and now a daughter, and the world seems like it had a facelift or something.  Anyhow, I guess thats what I was thinking of today, and I hope you were reflecting on it in your way. 

As for the not important stuff, I'm thinking I might try to do a Civil War story.  I have no idea what to do with it...I wanted to put it in originally, but I nowhere to go with it.  I still don't really, but I'm thinking about giving it a shot.  And I'm still making some progress on the other stories too, so far I've got about 12 or 13 projects done, with maybe 3 done.  So thats something.  And now we return you to regularly scheduled boring Tuesday.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


I have no idea what the heck is going on tonight.  I had a nice whiny rant here which I just deleted because at some point, I probably would want to slap myself.  Now I'm trying to make some room on my ipod and maybe do a little writing before I have to go to sleep.  This is the life.  Or something.  Sorry this is such a short entry, but let's be honest, I could just type "hello" and you'd be totally captivated right?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Its Friday, But It Doesn't Matter

Yes its Friday, the beginning of the weekend, but sadly I have to go into work tomorrow.  It sucks because I usually get to go in on a Saturday 10 or 11, something like that.  Tomorrow I have to be there at 9.  And that's really going to suck, since I wanted to sleep in, and I haven't been able to sleep really this week at all.  I guess I'm going to sleep on Sunday...  I'd like to get some more writing done too if I can.  Originally the idea was to have most of the book done by the end of September, or October, but thats not very likely to happen now.  I'm trying to see if I'll even have it all done by November at this point.  My page count is jumping up not by any great number necessarily, its just its growing more than I thought it would be.  I guess I have more to say than I thought.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Its Thursday Right?

I'm a little confused as to what day it is.  I think its Thursday, but it feels like a Wednesday.  The days have been rolling together something fierce this week.  My insomnia has been kicking in a lot, and I haven't managed more than about 5 hours this week.  It was less than that other nights.  I almost fell asleep walking today, it was kinda rediculous.  Tonight I shall be getting 6 hours of sleep, with hopefully about 20 hours of sleep this weekend.  That's living the dream right there.  I have to try and sell more stuff this weekend to pay a bill, and try to get some more literary genius down too.  I'm still going pretty strong this week.  I thought of another great little thing to work into a story today, so that's what I'll be working on this weekend.  I was under the impression, I could have this mystery story done in under about 20 or 30 pages, but its looking like it might go even longer than that.  Its kind of surprising, since I've been mainly a shorter story guy, but it could be interesting if it gets to be something of considerable length.  Ok kids thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Just Happened?

It seems I've somehow managed to put together half the plot for a somewhat decent mystery story.  I'm as shocked as you are.  It's coming out of nowhere too, I have no idea whats happening, but I've been able to piece something together a little.  I'm even making progress, though small on things at the same time.  Its very wierd...very wierd...almost like its a conspiracy... Oh well.  So far there's been some really good things happening the last couple of days.  I'm also very sleepy.  I wonder if that has something do with it.  I slept in for about 4 days in a row, partly because of the Labor Day weekend, but I haven't been sleeping much more than 4 or 5 hours the last two nights.  Maybe the lack of sleep is making me think clearly or something... Alright I better get backand between I'm a professional or something.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Really Didn't Want to Have To Do This...

Today, I was wondering whether or not I need to write a history/political book.  It would'nt be done in time for this election, which is sad, but I could probably have it done by the 2014 elections.  Providing of course there's still a country left, and we're still having elections.  I'm not sure whether to do a history of the country, or whether to do something on the history of the major parties.  I probably wouldn't be able to start at least a few months anyway...nuts...I feel like I have to, like its calling or something.  The thing is I'd really rather not do it, but I feel like nobody else is doing it, so why not?  I've also been thinking of visiting a police station, and doing some research for a mystery story, but those places freak me for some reason.  Not that I'm a criminal or anything either, its just I freak out for some reason.  I'd rather just find out from a book if I can, but I guess I'll have to see how it goes.  Ok, friends, have a good rest of your nite.  Its the last September 4th of the year, so you might as well enjoy it.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

I had an entry, but it got erased somehow before I could save it.  Que sera sera.  I was saying Happy Labor Day to you fine folks, and hoping you got to sleep in a little, and get a little chubby from the burgers and whatnot you had with your friends, and neighbors.  I was hoping to get some more writing done, but so far its been another day of slow movement.  Oh wells, it is a holiday or something.  I need to finish a story or two this month, so I can make some more significant progress.  Its just been much to slow the last few weeks, but I've got a good feeling again, so that's something.  Ok ladies and gents, back to the grindstone.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Annoyed, Boredom,and Having a Cookie

I'm in a mildly bad mood today, but I'm trying to get some writin done anyway.  My computer is moving rather slowly, and I'm just kind of bored in general too.  I did figure out a clue or my mystery story, that should prove interestig I hope.  I've been looking at a couple of stories today, and wondering if I'm going to do have some major editiing on them or not.  So far, I'm tryin to limit my editing to just a small block of it, and hopefully something good will come of it.  And now I just found out m little travel pillow exploded in the washer.  Fantastic.  The pillow was worth the $6.99 I paid for it, but the mess apparently is worth a rather large headache.  Now I feel like I've got pillow stuffing in my mouth or something when I don't.  I guess its like when you feel like you've got ants all over you when you've just killed a bunch of them.  Anyhoo, I'll try to forget about it, and get some work done I suppose.  I've made some good progress today, so maybe that'll make up for my pillow of a thousand pieces.  Oh and I had a pillow, but that didn't seem to cheer me for some reason, almost a waste of a cookie.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Its the First Day of September

Yes, its the first day of September.  That means soon the weather will be starting to get colder, because of you know, global cooling, and things give way to Fall, and then to Winter.  Hmm... I really thought I was going to have something clever to say today, but apparently I don't.  Oh wells.  I'll do a little writing, and maybe watch another movie.  Enjoy your day kids, its the last September 1st of the year.