Today is September 11, 2012. Eleven years ago today, the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists, who killed thousands of my fellow Americans. Today as has been the custom every year since then, people across the country reflect on those who died, and those who fight these terrorists. Its amazing to me how much a country can change, and what can change in the lives of people, apart from a tragedy like that one. The world is completely different for me and really for everyone else too I would think, I've been married, and now a daughter, and the world seems like it had a facelift or something. Anyhow, I guess thats what I was thinking of today, and I hope you were reflecting on it in your way.
As for the not important stuff, I'm thinking I might try to do a Civil War story. I have no idea what to do with it...I wanted to put it in originally, but I nowhere to go with it. I still don't really, but I'm thinking about giving it a shot. And I'm still making some progress on the other stories too, so far I've got about 12 or 13 projects done, with maybe 3 done. So thats something. And now we return you to regularly scheduled boring Tuesday.
I think you need to finish the stories you're already doing. You can worry about starting another one some other time. But a Civil War story isn't too bad an idea, as long as you research it properly.