Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Thursday

I'm not really motivated today.  I'm getting a little writing done, but its not exactly moving.  I might've gotten more done tonight, but I spent some time starting to organize some of my books.  This history book is probably going to take some time to write, and I think I'm up to about 30 or 40 books as far as research reading goes.  And that's mostly books that focus on the American Revolution.  I still have to mind material that covers more than 200 years of the rest of America.  I'm thinking it'll be something comparable to a doctoral thesis, though longer obviously.  I'd like to try and keep it to about 400 or 450 pages or so.  Granted that might not sound like much, but I've seen history books that had very little to them, and I think if I can small font, I can get more information in those 450 pages. 

And in other news, I'm making some slight progress tonight on my other projects too, its just I'm having a hard time getting anything done for whatever reason.  But I am trying to fit some in tonight.  I'm trying to fit in certain things into the stories, and even into the actual formation of the story.  Not so much what I'm saying, but how I'm saying that.  I'll try and explain this better down the road I hope.  Alright enjoy the rest of your night.  Its the last September 13 of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Well if you're putting a lot of effort and research in to it then it's going to be pretty good.
