Monday, September 17, 2012

Yes. Today is Monday. But Now Monday Is Coming To A Close So Now Its Only A Four Day Work Week

Its Monday night, and I should be writing or something.  I'm really not motivated but I'm going to try anyway.  In addition I'm always providing a lovely distraction for those for you stressed out by politics, work, or life in general.  Yes I'm here to provide a public service...or something.  Anyhoo, I'm really here because 12 of you figured out this says "Who Reads Anymore", and not "WhoreAdsAnymore" on the web address.  Heh.  I'm really just trying to give you fine folks a play by play of my daily adventures as writer extraordinaire and mystery man.  I'm inching closer I guess, I just hate the process.  Its tiresome, soul wrenching, and slow.  Ok, I'm done complaining now.  You can return to regularly scheduled Monday night now.


  1. I always thought it said "WhoresAndMore" I guess this doesn't say good things about my psyche. Damn.

  2. I second took the first time I read it. I admit it. I do enjoy your distractions :)
