Thursday, September 13, 2012

This Isn't Going to End Well

Today, I got off work early, made it home and in the front door, somewhere right before 2 in the afternoon.  And then the call came in.  Had to turn around and go right back out for some kind of crisis at work.  Then I get home sometime around 8 or 8:30.  I was hoping to get in a good a few good hours of writing, and maybe a Dirty Harry movie.  Sadly, I didn't quite reach that goal today.  What I did do however, was start to plan out how I going to work on that American history thingy I've been kicking around a bit.  I'm into the first paragraph now, and it actually doesn't sound half bad.  Taking a quick peek, I see that there's eight different writing projects open right now.  This being the newest.  I'm trying to be chipper or something tonight, because I'm somewhat certain, I'll have to drive close to 700 miles tomorrow in a rental truck I don't want to drive.  I guess I can enjoy the scenery...and the sitting or something...  Most of the time is driving, dropping off this, picking up that sort of thing.  No me gusta.  Anyhoo, I'm trying to be patient with stuff, because its not worth bursting a blood vessel, or gettig gray hair over.  At this point, I guess I need the money or something, and it'll give me plenty of time to work on my Nat King Cole voice... I may have just given out too much information here...


  1. Well good luck amusing yourself for 700 miles. I think I could live with a driving job, like driving a van, but I don't think I could last 700 miles.

    1. Its about 8 or 9 hours of driving. Makes things very tedious. Most of it is just desert.
