Monday, November 5, 2012

A Little Election Humor

Here are my old "teleprompter pickup lines."  I was going to put them in my book revision if I could, but since the book isn't ready yet, here you go.  They're meant to make fun of fun Obama, but feel free to try them out on unsuspecting women. 

"You have a beautiful readout..."

"I love it when you tell me what to say."

"Do you need help with your power supply?"

 "I could totally lose myself in your video monitor."

"You have the prettiest camera lens I've ever seen."

"Can I check out your software?"

"Can we spend some time programming each other?"

"You have such a nice tripod"

"I always feel so important with you around."

 "Can I plug you in?"

 "You have such a nice casing."

 "I'm just here to make sure all your parts are in working order."

"I just want to make sure you're getting the right amount of electricity."

"I brought the non-streak glass cleaner this time."

"I love the heat from your power connection."

"Your lens says 'no no' but your power light says 'yes yes.'" 

"You look so good in that carrying case." 

"Made in China?  Baby I thought you were made in heaven."

"Just once I'd like to give you something to say."

"The gentle warmth of your power supply, lets me know you're burning energy for me."

I know, I know, they're kinda chessy. 

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