Saturday, November 3, 2012


Its been kind of wacky day.  I was going to sleep in till 10 or 11 today, and had that plan destroyed when some guys were taking down a tree or something at 8am.  If 10 or 11 seems late, keep in mind I stayed up till 2 or 2:30 last nite, and I don't usually sleep too well during the week.  SO...I go to the bank, and can't cash my check because its drawn on a different bank, so I have to deposit the check instead, which means I can't get at the money I need.  Then I took a nap.  Then I watch a movie or two, and now I'm working on a book title for the novel, and maybe just maybe work on finishing that last story for the book revision.  I used to have a great knack for getting motivated if I missed a day of writing, but now I'm worried I'm getting lazy about it a little.  Anyhoo, I guess thats it.  Tune in tomorrow, when we find out whether or not I was able to get any work done tonight.  Ha.

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