Well thanks America for voting the wrong way. Yeesh. Somehow this might be the fitting end to this year. I'm not into that Mayan crap, but let's be honest here, things are pretty bleak, and about to get worse. I just can't fathom why people want Obama running their lives, and driving up the cost of everything. It makes no sense to me. This is the most corrupt administration ever. And he gets a free pass from the media, and you're called racist if you criticize him, even though he's also half-white. Its crazy. People complain about spending, but when they're guy does it, its suddenly ok? Its ok not to respond to a terrorist attack? Its ok to hand cartels guns so law abiding gun owners get blamed? Its ok to take personal healthcare decisions out of the hands of the people and put into government run programs? Yeah...this isn't going to end well...
I'm gonna try and do a little writing I suppose, if I can't fit into my busy schedule of depression and cartoon downloading. I'm trying to figure out if I can maybe work on two or three books at the same time. I'm thinking one or two of these might be a good thing to have done before the next election. Anyway, its something I have to think over. I'm a little weird right now, and I need to figure out a good timetable for all this. I'd like to finish about 7 or 8 books before the year is out. If I can finish those books off, I think I can get some early stuff out of the way, and I can maybe spend some time around Christmas and New Year's working on a plan for just reading in 2013. Alright its now time to think about getting in my five minutes of writing in for the day. Sheesh. Onwards and upwards...
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