Monday, October 8, 2012

Booklist and the Final Four

I'm up to about 20 books and websites so far for my research list.  I've been thinking of sort of making it the Revolutionary War version of that Civil War classic history, The Battle Cry of Freedom.  I guess I'd like it to have the same impact, as Battle Cry did, sort of making it a definitive work, if I can.  I've also trimmed my projects a little, as I've been back and forth between doing three or four more stories for the book revision.  I thought as of about 30 seconds I was done to three, but I might just do four.  I have all four started already anyway.  Might as well see them through.  And in other news, its apparently October, and people are still going out their way to try my patience.  It seems like certain individuals really go out of their way to draw attention to themselves for whatever stupid reason...  Also my computer is throwing a fit, and keeps freezing a lot, so I better type faasss....

1 comment:

  1. My computer keeps doing that -_- I'm considering just nuking the hard drive. After I back it up of course. I don't want to lose all my stuff.
