Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have a day off tomorrow, which means I'll be sleeping in till noon or so.  Yesterday, I worked about 16 and a half hours, and got home some time after 1am or so I think.  I've been a little lightheaded today, and I think its from exhaustion or something.  I'm just sore and achy, and could use a 20 hour cat nap.  Somehow I'm supposed to connect this to my writing...well, at any rate, I haven't had a lot of time to write the last week or two, because of work, but I am trying doing a lot of notetaking for my novel, and history book.  Sorry it isn't more exciting, but things are slow, and I need a vacation or something...

1 comment:

  1. You need sleep and lots of it. I'm pretty sure people shouldn't be working 16 hour days.
