Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Monday Monday!

In the last two days, I've made some excellent progress, on a couple of stories, and some relatively good progress on where to go with the book too.  I made some serious strides this morning waiting for my car at the mechanic, of all places.  It was probably the best two hours I've ever had a mechanic, I was able to crank out a few paragraphs, and really felt like I got passed some doubts I was having about my ability to write too.  So that was a big win, in an otherwise lackluster Monday.  I hate Mondays, but somehow managed to pull a victory or two out of it.  And now I'm going to cap off my night be reading a little, writing a little, and hitting on girls.  Just like usual.

1 comment:

  1. You always pass your time writing or hitting on girls. But you do both so well.
